Our Story
in the beginning was the Web ......The former firm in wich the founders of ware3 were involved (Ware.it Communications 1996-2012)
Ware.it Communications was an ICT company that planned and developed solutions for the management of informative systems with technologies Open Source, offering this expertise to companies and organizations that intended to improve the management of their services web: from the systems of CMS that facilitate the publishing of contents toward the public, to the tools of Knowledge Management, to strengthen the ability to exchange knowledges
Ware.it Communications was partner of Nemein Oy a finnish company leader in Open Source projects and software and was involved in several project with OS international developers community. Among these we can cite: Open Psa, a platform for collaborative workgroup and above all Midgard CMS platform (New Zealand government used this platform for example).
As Ware.it Communications we supplied global consultancy on Open Source world in Italy. Many important italian reality in Social Research like Censis, Fondazione Taliercio, Istituto Tagliacarne, have used our knowledge and competencies and also italian leading industries on ICT like RAI (public italian TV) or ADN Kronos, as well as institutional reality like Municipality of Rome or Department of Innovation of italian Government (CRC Centri Regionali Competenza, FORMEZ – CNIPA , RetePA – FORMEZ ) have availed themselves of our services and expertise.